Kita nyedhiyakake Couplings Kuningan Cepet Cepet Kuningan kanthi garansi 1 taun. Kita mbobot awake dhewe menyang Couplings Class Fire Claw Couplings pirang-pirang taun, sing nutupi umume Eropa lan pasar Amerika. Pabrik kita tindakake "kualitas pisanan, kredit dhisik, layanan sing apik, perhatian kanggo para pelanggan" filsafat bisnis. Kita ngarepake dadi pasangan jangka panjang ing China.
Product Introduction of Class Fire Claw Couplings Cepet Cepet
This Class Fire Claw Couplings Cepet Cepet are made of Brass for corrosion resistance, ductility at high temperatures, and low magnetic permeability.It can be easily connected to the hose.Contact us for more details of Brass Fire Hose Quick Claw Couplings !We devoted our selves to Brass Fire Hose Quick Claw Couplings many years,covering most of Europe and the Americas market.We are expecting become your long-term partner in china.
Product Parameter (Specification) of Class Fire Claw Couplings Cepet Cepet
Nomer model |
warna |
ukuran |
materi |
JY-B9405 |
Minangka gambar |
1 / 2â € 5 / 8â € 3 / 4â € 1â € 1 1 / 2â € |
kuningan |
Product Feature And Application of Class Fire Claw Couplings Cepet Cepet
Connect the two Brass Fire Hose Quick Claw Couplings of the same ukuran together, the sealing ring with good sealing, the connection of water pipes at both ends is simple and convenient, not easy to fall off.
Aplikasi:Pas ing tetanèn, pertambangan, konstruksi dalan, petugas pemadam kebakaran, lan penerbangan.
napa milih kita?
We duwe 2 set pusat mesin vertikal, lathes CNC, 4 set mesin pengeboran CNC, 2 set mesin roda hidrolik, 8 set mesin lali panas, 9 mesin mesin stamping dingin lan 2 set mesin bledug pasir, lan pabrik kita ora mung nduwe Perangkat produksi majeng, nanging uga nduwe personel teknis profesional lan klompok buruh trampil, saengga kita bakal ngontrol kualitas produk.
Deliver,Shipping And Serving of Class Fire Claw Couplings Cepet Cepet
Layanan sawise-adol |
Garansi 1 taun |
conto |
Contoh timbal timbal: 15days |
Tembung kiriman |
Katentuan pambayaran |
T / T, L / C ing ngarsane etc. |
P: Apa MOQ sampeyan?
A: Biasane MOQ kita yaiku 2000pcs, nanging kita nampa jumlah sing luwih murah kanggo urutan uji coba sampeyan.
P: Sampeyan minangka perusahaan dagang utawa pabrikan?
A: Kita minangka pabrikan khusus ing katup kebon, lan adol produk ing saindenging jagad
P: Suwene wektu kiriman sampeyan?
A: Biasane mbutuhake 45 dina, kita duwe kapasitas produksi gedhe sing bisa njamin wektu pangiriman kanthi cepet sanajan akeh.