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Corrosion of salt spray and test


1. Corrosion of salt spray

Korosi yaiku karusakan utawa rusake bahan utawa sifat sing disebabake dening lingkungan. Umume korosi dumadi ing lingkungan atmosfer. Atmosfer ngandhut komponen lan faktor korosif kayata oksigen, kelembapan, owah-owahan suhu, lan polutan. Korosi semprotan uyah minangka korosi atmosfer sing umum lan paling ngrusak. Kabut uyah sing kasebut ing kene nuduhake atmosfer klorida. Komponen korosi utamane yaiku uyah klorida ing samudra-natrium klorida, sing utamane asale saka segara lan wilayah saline daratan. Karat saka permukaan bahan logam sing disebabake dening semprotan uyah disebabake reaksi elektrokimia saka ion klorida sing ana liwat lapisan oksida lan lapisan protèktif ing permukaan logam lan logam internal. Ing wektu sing padha, ion klorida ngemot energi hidrasi tartamtu, sing gampang dibubarake dening pori-pori lan retakan adsorbed ing permukaan logam lan ngganti oksigen ing lapisan klorida, ngowahi oksida sing ora larut dadi klorida sing larut, nggawe permukaan pasif aktif. lumahing. Nimbulake reaksi ala kanggo produk.
2. Tes semprotan uyah lan hubungane karo nyata
Salt spray test is an environmental test that mainly uses artificially simulated salt spray environmental conditions created by salt spray test equipment to evaluate the corrosion resistance of products or metal materials. It is divided into two categories, one is the natural environment exposure test, and the other is the artificial accelerated simulated salt spray environment test. The artificial simulated salt spray environment test is to use a salt volume test box with a certain volume of space to test the quality of the salt spray corrosion resistance of the product by using a manual method in its volume space to create a salt spray environment. . Compared with the natural environment, the salt concentration of the chloride in the salt spray environment can be several times or tens of times of the general nat
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