Nyetel Sudut semprotan saka sirah sprinkler minangka bagéyan penting saka operasi sistem irigasi. Sawise instalasi saka sirah sprinkler anyar, iku perlu kanggo konfirmasi apa Sudut uyuh saben sirah sprinkler luwes disetel ing sawetara bener. , utawa wong penasaran, ngganti Angle saka semprotan.
With the improvement of production costs, the European and American developed country garden tools manufacturers into train of thought, to transfer production manufacturing to developing countries, on the one hand, to build production base in developing countries, such as high-quality, TTI, komatsu, such as company, on the other hand with the domestic manufacturers use the patterns such as OEM, ODM cooperation, the cooperation mode for domestic garden tools manufacturers create business opportunities.
Kanthi pangembangan ekonomi global lan peningkatan taraf urip masarakat, tuwuh panjaluk kanggo lingkungan urip sing sehat lan urip ijo. Piranti kebon wis dadi barang kluwarga sing ora bisa ditindakake ing negara maju kayata Eropa lan Amerika. Kapindho, amarga negara-negara berkembang mboko sithik nggatekake penghijauan, nambah investasi ing kebon kotamadya lan konstruksi penghijauan dalan, lan nambah permintaan kanggo produk alat kebon.
Kapasitas produksi bar tembaga ing China utamane disebarake ing wilayah pesisir Minangka produser lan konsumen produk pangolahan tembaga paling gedhe ing donya, produksi lan konsumsi produk pangolahan Tembaga ing China utamane dikonsentrasi ing China wétan lan China Kidul.
Three-way valve body has three, one in and two out, (left in, right and under) and the common valve is different from the bottom has an outlet, when the internal valve in different positions, the outlet is different, such as the core in the lower, left and right communication, such as the spool in the upper, the right exit blocked, left and under the mouth.